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Webber London

18 Newman St

+44 (0) 20 7439 0678

Webber New York

35 E 1st Street

Basement West
New York
NY, 10003

+1 646 370 5713

Webber Los Angeles
939 S Santa Fe Ave
Los Angeles
CA 90021

Tues - Sat | 11am - 6pm
By Appointment


, Soft Corners

The solo exhibition of Marton Perlaki is the first presentation of a larger collection of works created in the recent years, consisting of photographs, large chalk drawings, abstract photograms and luminograms. Perlaki’s artistic practice is characterized by the duality of a meticulously preplanned precise editing process and a peculiar, playfully bizarre attitude. His unusual portraits, staged still lives or gestures of highlighting certain details detached from their environment often bear an ambiance of perplexity and the unexpected. Compared to his previous works, the works presented at Trafó Gallery mark a clear and bold opening in the direction of a more self-analyzing, more personal voice, that also reexamines family relations, and in which control over creative processes dissolves and the act of stepping away from the camera allows for the accidental and the unpredictable, while organically unfolding manual gestures and the interplay with the materials is also given space.

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